Step by step procedure for part 1 of the organization of beautiful adventure is released!

After five weeks of waiting, we have another adventure for Mystery Hogwarts! This one is called Hosting the Beauxbatons, and our guide step by step for part 1 is there to help you! This adventure is available for second year and more students, and once you started, you have 3 days and 7 p.m. to finish it. Shortly after its launch, you will learn that the Penny correspondent, of the Beauxbatons magic academy, arrived at Hogwarts. Her name is Aurélie Dumont and thinks she is transferred to Hogwarts. However, she does not know if this is the right decision, so Penny will ask you to help her convince Aurélie to transfer her. To do this, you will have to show it and make a good impression.

How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)

First, you will lead it to the potions class where you will present it to some of your classmates. It turns out that Aurélie is very good at potions and that it could be the ideal way to convince her to transfer her to Hogwarts.

Later, you will drive it to the Clocktower court. It is an ideal place to relax and relax between lessons, so hopefully.

Will you manage to make a good impression and convince Aurélie to go to Hogwarts? Will she like your tour? Discover in our procedure step by step for the first part of the organization of the Beauxbâtons adventure for Harry Potter: the mystery of Hogwarts!
