All you need to know about Pin Games in Neo: The world ends with you

Pin sets are an excellent way to improve the skills of your group in Neo: Twewy, this is how they work and what sets you can get.

In Neo: The world ends with you , the protagonists use pins to manifest some really powerful skills known as psychs. These range from the burst of flames on the battlefield until the invocation of ice ice stalagmites. It is the only way they can silence the noise around Shibuya.

Related: Neo: The World Ends With You: Money Farming Guide

Some pins form sets known as sets, such as a game where fashion plays such an important role. When you equip each PIN from a set to your characters, unlock a special skill that improves the effectiveness of the constituent pins. These are not really well insinuated in the game, and most of the sets are only obvious once you look at the names of the pins used.

Each set and what they do

