Call of Duty: Vanguard: Beta starts at the weekend, first for PlayStation

Activision has informed that the beta starts to Call of Duty: Vanguard next weekend. From Friday, September 10 to Monday, September 13th, all who have pre-ordered Vanguard for PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 4, access to the game - so the manufacturer.

From Thursday, September 16, all PlayStation users and PC and Xbox pre-orderers can try the beta. From Saturday, 18 September, players of all platforms have the chance to try the new Call of Duty. Here is a somewhat more clearer presentation of staggering:

she thought her stream was off...

_ 1 . Weekend - Playstation Exclusive 10.-13. September (for PlayStation pre-order)

2 . Weekend - CrossSplay beta 16.-17. September (for XBox and pre-order - PlayStation Open Beta) 18.-20. September (Open Beta for all platforms) _

Incidentally, those who want to tune in today Tuesday, 7th September, can lead to the official Reveal of the Vanguard Multiplayer: At 19 o'clock the show starts at the official YouTube performance.

The shooter during World War II will appear on 5 November 2021 for PC (, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X / S. The implementation for PS4 and Xbox ONE costs 69.99 euros. There is no free Next gene update. The Cross-Generation Bundle for PS4 / PS5 and Xbox One or Xbox Series X / S costs 79.99 euros. The Ultimate Edition with Battle Pass and other bonus content is 109.99 euros. On the PC, the shooter costs 59.99 euros. The Ultimate Edition is sold for 99.99 euros. _ _

Last updated video: Stalingrad demo playthrough
