We announce the results of "Coffe Talk" limited sale implemented to help developer Mohammed Fumi who died in March

TOGE Productions will send you the sale of " Coffee Talk " to help Game Developer Mohammed Fumi, who died on March 28, 2012, and announce the results of events that donate their earnings. did.

A game developer who worked in Indonesia since 2011 and worked on works such as "Coffe Talk" and "What Comes After". Toge Productions reveals "Coffe Talk" from the feeling of wanting to help Mr. Fumi from April 1st to 5th, and reveals to donate their earnings to the family Yes.

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According to the published data, the number of sales in STeam during the period is 37,322. Sales are about $ 257,330, and from there, 55% to 60% of the amount from which fees and taxes are drawn will be donated to Fahm's family. It seems that we have not received console version sales data at this time, but it is to publish data as soon as it is cleared. In a post, we have granted words to all users who supported.

Publisher Rolling Glory Jam has revealed that Mr. Farmi served as a director and writer "What Comes After" to donate the earnings purchased in April to Fahm's family.
