German charts: Saints Row takes over the policy of the games

Saints Row takes the gamers to Santo Ileso-a city in bush West of the United States, in which crimes are the order of the schedule and finish with legal groups for supremacy. In the German Games graphes, determined by GfK Enjoyment, the open-world video game blends a number of times: On Xbox Collection, the Day One Version and also Notorious Version book positions one as well as 2; Both versions wind up on one as well as 5 on PS5; The first day begins on PS4 behind Grand Theft Auto V Costs Version on both.

The leaders of the other gaming consoles are called this week: Grand Theft Auto V Premium Version (Xbox One), Pokémon Ultramond (3DS) and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Switch).


Away from the Wild West and into a futuristic Japan at Heart Hackers 2. The RPG with satanic force cranes and cyberpunts remains in second area on the PS5 graphes. Agricultural simulator 22 continues to be on PC the measure of points, but Deathloop (four) as well as Ghostwire: Tokyo (six) make sure a fresh wind.
